Miró Rivera Architects
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Family Eldercare

Family Eldercare



The Family Eldercare building is a two-story office building for a local non-profit organization which serves Austin’s growing elderly community. The building will house professional staff whose mission ranges from providing in-home care to financial services. The building is located in an urban re-development district dedicated to the principles of New Urbanism and sustainable design. Every commercial project within the development must be certified by either LEED or Austin Energy’s Green Building Program.

To meet these sustainable goals, the project utilizes a C-shaped plan to provide natural light to every building occupant’s workspace. Other methods have also been utilized to reduce the project’s energy and water needs including deep overhangs to protect the glazing from the harsh Texas sun, incorporation of a grey water re-use loop, and the use of mechanical systems, electrical fixtures, and plumbing fixtures designed to exceed industry standards.


Family Eldercare

Austin, Texas

Family Eldercare

New Construction