Miró Rivera Architects


Print | EntreMuros


Major Mexican newsmagazine EntreMuros has published the Vertical House in a special issue about glass and residential architecture. Located on one of the few lots in Dallas elevated enough to enjoy a view of the downtown skyline, the Vertical House rises dramatically above the tree tops to capture views of the city.

The compact footprint accentuates the vertical experience of the home and is carved into the limestone strata, centered in a spiraling entry drive that creates a subterranean approach to the home.As the homeowner moves vertically through the home, every space is immediately accessible from the glass-enclosed stairwell. The stair and every level enjoy butt-glazed windows looking to the northeast and downtown. Sixty-foot-tall tubes protect the glazing on its western exposure, serving both as the home’s primary structural support and leading visually upward before turning 90 degrees to shield the rooftop deck atop the home.

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